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Il Freisa è un vitigno a bacca nera del Piemonte. Wikipedia
Caratteristiche del grappolo: Spargolo, medio o cilindrico
Caratteristiche della foglia: Media, piccola, cuneiforme o trilobata
Caratteristiche dell'acino: Ovoidali
DOC: Varie (vedi nel testo)
Paese di origine: Italia
Regioni di coltivazione: Piemonte

Langhe freisa da www.decanter.com
13 ago 2019 · An ancient variety found in Italy's northwestern region of Piedmont, particularly around Chieri, the Monferrato, and the Langhe, Freisa is the ...
Langhe freisa da italianwine.guide
The red wine Langhe Freisa is produced from the grape Freisa (100%), which provides either a ruby or a cherry red wine. The scent is distinctive and with a ...
La bottega è aperta tutti i giorni. Dal lunedì al venerdì 10.30 alle 12.30 e dalle 14.30 alle 18.30. Sabato dalle 10.30 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00.
Langhe freisa da shop.kermitlynch.com
2022 Langhe Nebbiolo ... Deceptively light on its feet, it finishes with an impressive tannin that begs for a hearty stew or your favorite cut of steak.
Langhe freisa da barreldownselections.com
The slightly wild and engaging cousin of Piedmont's king grape, Freisa can boast the same assertive acidity and tannins but also offers a more accessible ...
Langhe freisa da vinonueva.com
Langhe DOC Freisa Kyé is aged for 26 months, mostly in large oak casks. It displays a beautiful, translucent garnet color. The aromatics are a combination of ...
Freisa is a red Italian wine grape variety grown in the Piedmont region of north-west Italy, primarily in Monferrato and in the Langhe, but also further ...
Langhe freisa da shop.kermitlynch.com
Deceptively light on its feet, it finishes with an impressive tannin that begs for a hearty stew or your favorite cut of steak.
Langhe freisa da www.princetoncorkscrew.com
The Brezza Langhe Freisa is made from 100% Freisa, an indigenous Piedmontese varietal, one of whose parents is Nebbiolo. Enzo grows his Freisa in Barolo near ...
Langhe freisa da www.wine-searcher.com
Freisa is a black-skinned grape variety native to the Piedmont wine region of northwestern Italy. It is used to make red wines of various styles, ...