

Arte marziale
L'aikidō è un'arte marziale giapponese praticata sia a mani nude sia con le armi bianche tradizionali del Budō giapponese di cui principalmente: "ken", "jō" e "tantō". I suoi praticanti sono chiamati aikidoka. Nella pratica prendono il nome di... Wikipedia
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Aikido da en.wikipedia.org
Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art which is split into many different styles including Iwama Ryu, Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai, Shodokan Aikido, ...
Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, Aikido is a martial art that focuses on harmonizing with your opponent to bring peaceful resolutions to situations involving ...
Aikido, martial art and self-defense system that resembles the fighting methods jujitsu and judo in its use of twisting and throwing techniques and in its ...
Aikido da tacomaaikikai.com
Aikido is a Japanese martial art that effectively utilizes joint locks, throws, strikes, and pins to neutralize an attacker. Through circular movement and ...
Discover vulnerabilities and security issues with Aikido's all-in-one AppSec platform. Start free and get your web app secured in 2 minutes.
Aikido da www.nkkf.org
Aikido or way of harmonizing energy is a form of Japanese martial arts which focuses on keeping one's self safe while avoiding harming the opponent. Aikido ...
Aikido da aikido.mit.edu
Aikido's founder, Morihei Ueshiba, was born in Japan on December 14, 1883. As a boy, he often saw local thugs beat up his father for political reasons.
Aikido da blackbeltwiki.com
Aikido is a Japanese martial arts focused on redirecting an attack away from you. This martial arts style involves grabs, strikes, throws, pins and joint ...
Aikido da www.aikikai.or.jp
The Aikikai Foundation is an association that was established in order to support inheritance of Aikido created by the Founder, to train body and mind through ...
Aikido da aikidocincy.org
Our spacious dojo is located at 6620 Montgomery Road, Unit 3, in Kennedy Heights. There are over 20 classes offered each week at the Aikido of Cincinnati! Each ...