Risultati relativi a Bletchley Park
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Bletchley Park

(14.087) Museo a Bletchley, Inghilterra
Bletchley Park, anche nota come Stazione X, è una tenuta situata a Bletchley, un paese a circa 75 km a nord-ovest di Londra.
Indirizzo: The Mansion, Bletchley Park, Sherwood Dr, Bletchley, Milton Keynes MK3 6EB, Regno Unito
Orario: Aperto ⋅ Chiude alle ore 17
Telefono: +44 1908 640404
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Bletchley Park, home of the WW2 Codebreakers, was once Britain's best kept secret and is now a vibrant heritage attraction open daily for visitors to learn ...
Bletchley Park is an estate in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England. It was the site of the United Kingdom's main codebreaking team during World War II.
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