CIPRESSI da www.hotelvillacipressi.it
Welcome to the official website of Villa Cipressi, hotel with botanical garden in Varenna, on Lake Como. Book now at the best price!


Cupressus L., 1753 è un genere di piante della famiglia Cupressaceae comprendente alberi anche di notevoli dimensioni, alti fino a 50 metri, con chioma generalmente affusolata, piramidale, molto ramificata e rametti cilindrici con numerosissime... Wikipedia
Nome scientifico: Cupressus
Famiglia: Cupressaceae
Classe: Pinopsida
Divisione: Pinophyta
Dominio: Eukaryota
Genere: Cupressus; L., 1753

CIPRESSI da icipressiwinery.it
I Cipressi is family-run business born in the early 60s, when the Frangiosa family moved from Campania to Tuscany and bought a small farm surrounded by the ...
Scarcely productive and difficult to farm, this unique variety of Molise only existed in folk stories of old farmers until the 20th century. Claudio was ...
CIPRESSI da www.rcollectionhotels.it
An enchanting experience on the lake. A complex of structures and gardens rich in history and mainly built between 1400 and 1800. Directly facing the lake, it ...
A bright ruby red, this wine has notes of raspberries and spices. It is a full bodied, well-structured, and harmonious wine. The finish is savory and long.
CIPRESSI da villacipressi.it
Our estate is located near Montalcino, on the road to Grosseto, only 1 km far from the old village. The farm started to produce honey of various flavors about ...
CIPRESSI da www.tripadvisor.com
Valutazione (9)
Really local experience, with wine tasting and great conversation!! Father and son warmly welcomed us and we sit together to appreciate their selection of wines ...
CIPRESSI da www.kobrandwineandspirits.com
A bright ruby red, this wine has notes of raspberries and spices. It is a full bodied, well-structured, and harmonious wine. The finish is savory and long.
CIPRESSI da www.michelechiarlo.it
1 of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 as drafted by the Regione Piemonte which finances the implementation of integrated agricultural techniques. Measure ...
CIPRESSI da www.hotelvillacipressi.it
This hotel, with its botanical gardens on the shores of Lake Como, provides a verdant backdrop where the history of our country is told through the expression ...