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Fiume Coghinas

Fiume in Italia
Il Coghinas è il più importante fiume della provincia di Sassari e con una lunghezza di 116 km è il terzo fiume della Sardegna dopo il Tirso e il Flumendosa, risultando però 2° per ampiezza di bacino dopo il Tirso e il 2° dopo il Flumendosa per... Wikipedia
Lunghezza: 71,5 mi
Portata: 635,7 ft³/s
Affluenti: Rio de s'Elema, Rio Altana, Rio Biralotta
Bacino idrografico: 2 551 km²

Coghinas da en.wikipedia.org
The Coghinas is a river of northern Sardinia, Italy. With a length of 115 kilometres (71 mi), it is the third longest river of the island behind the Tirso ...
Coghinas da en.wikipedia.org
Lake Coghinas is an artificial lake, in northern Sardinia, Italy, located in the province of Sassari. With a surface of 17.8 km2 and a capacity of 254 ...
Valutazione (30)
Snorkeling Experience to discover the dolphin inside you! 55.
It originated at the beginning of the 20th century by the barrage of the river of the same name and is the largest basin in northern Sardinia and the second ...
Coghinas da www.enelgreenpower.com
This is the first “cavern” plant ever built in Italy, situated downstream from the dam – a construction 158 meters long and 58 meters high – 40 meters below the ...
Hiking tour 7 from Valledoria along the Coghinas river. Level of difficuilty: easy. Length: 11,6 km. Ascent/descent: 40/60 m. Altitude difference: 19 m.
Coghinas da www.sardiniatrekking.it
Our adventure starts here, among the thermal spring!The Coghinas River is the most important waterway of the North of Sardinia. With a length of 116 km is the ...
Some of the most popular restaurants in Santa Maria Coghinas include: Agriturismo Casteldoria · Montiruju Hotel Ristorante · CENA SARDA Santa Maria Coghinas ...
Coghinas da sardinia4emotions.eu
The Coghinas river is one of the major water streams in Sardinia. During its course it forms the artificial basin of the Coghinas lake.
Coghinas da www.sardegnacountry.eu
The river's mouth Coghinas is located in northern Sardinia, in the municipality of Valledoria, in the Gulf of Asinara. It is the most important wetland in ...