
D'Alfonso Del Sordo

(7) Azienda vinicola
Indirizzo: Km. 5, SS89, 71016 San Severo FG, Italia
Telefono: +39 0882 221444
D'Alfonso Del Sordo,realizza ottimi vini doc pugliesi, certificati Puglia IGT e Puglia IGP.Scopri il nostro nero di troia e il bombino bianco.
15,80 €
Primitivo is a delightfully brash wine that's very dark, very juicy and very high in alcohol. The grape is thought to have originated in ...
The D'Alfonso del Sordo's vine growing and wine producing family tradition dates back to 1800, when some members of the family, enthusiastic farmers, ...
Valutazione (11)
Ideato e pensato per ospitare piccoli gruppi, cene, degustazioni, corsi di ceramica, laboratori di cucina. Ci piace definire _pianodue un luogo non necessario ...
D'Alfonso Del Sordo. Located at the foot of the Garganic hills, the estate “Coppanetta” that extends for 30 hectares (25 vineyards), is the heart of our ...
In 1933, after Antonio's untimely death, in a tragic plane crash, the management of the winery went to Gianfelice D'Alfonso Del Sordo, who, along with his wife ...