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La Germania (in tedesco: Deutschland), ufficialmente Repubblica Federale di Germania (Bundesrepublik Deutschland, [ˈbʊndəsrepʊˌbliːk ˈdɔɪ̯ʧˌlant]), ...
Germania also called Magna Germania (English: Great Germania), Germania Libera (English: Free Germania), or Germanic Barbaricum to distinguish it from the ...


Paese in Europa
La Germania è un Paese dell'Europa Occidentale con oltre due millenni di storia e un paesaggio caratterizzato da foreste, fiumi, catene montuose e spiagge affacciate sul Mare del Nord. Berlino, la capitale, ha una vivace scena artistica e notturna...
Capitale: Berlino
Popolazione: 83,8 milioni (2022)
Prodotto interno lordo: 4,082 migliaia di miliardi USD (2022)
Governo: Repubblica, Repubblica federale e Repubblica parlamentare
Cancelliere: Olaf Scholz
Area: 138.067 mi²
Prefisso telefonico: +49

Forbes top-5 Texas home insurance and auto insurance company.
Historically, the name Germania was given by the ancient Romans to the land north of the Roman Empire. These areas were inhabited by Germans, as well as other ...
We are one of the fastest growing mints in the world, constantly exploring new areas of the numismatic industry. Our brand name refers to the ancient land where ...
8,29 USD
Book overview · Simon Winder is obsessed with Germany; its cuisine, its architecture, its fairytale landscape. · is a very personal guide to the Germany that ...
Germania Insurance Amphitheater has stars on the stage and above it. Offering great views to enjoy your favorite artists and bands at Circuit of The ...
Germany is a destination for every taste. It offers a wide variety of attractions. Whether you are looking for history, culture, nature or just a good time, ...
Germania Marsh Wildlife Area is a 2,400-acre property in north central Marquette County. Find it approximately 5 miles west of the city of Neshkoro on ...
Since 1866, we have been preserving German culture through song, sport, and food and drink. We are the home of the original Oktoberfest in Columbus Ohio. The ...