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Homo erectus da humanorigins.si.edu
3 gen 2024 · Early African Homo erectus fossils (sometimes called Homo ergaster) are the oldest known early humans to have possessed modern human-like body ...
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Homo erectus da it.wikipedia.org
Homo erectus (Dubois, 1894; dal latino: erectus, «che sta dritto»), originariamente denominato pitecantropo e uomo di Giava, è una specie di ominide estinta ...

Homo erectus

Homo erectus, originariamente denominato pitecantropo e uomo di Giava, è una specie di ominide estinta appartenente al genere Homo. Wikipedia
Altezza: 1,5 – 1,8 m
Nome scientifico: Homo erectus
Classificazioni inferiori successive
Homo erectus da en.wikipedia.org
Homo erectus is an extinct species of archaic human from the Pleistocene, with its earliest occurrence about 2 million years ago.
Homo erectus da www.nhm.ac.uk
By far the longest-surviving human species, Homo erectus was the first hominin to evolve a truly human-like body shape. It was the first of our relatives ...
Homo erectus da www.britannica.com
1 giu 2024 · H. erectus was a human of medium stature that walked upright. The braincase was low, the forehead was receded, and the nose, jaws, and palate ...
Homo erectus da australian.museum
Homo erectus is now one of the better known of our human relatives with over 40 specimens excavated from Java and China.
Homo erectus is arguably the earliest species in the human lineage to have so many human-like qualities. Earlier hominins had important similarities with living ...
Video relativi a Homo erectus
Durata: 26:39
Data/ora pubblicazione: 23 apr 2021
Homo erectus da www.britannica.com
1 giu 2024 · The first fossils attributed to Homo erectus were discovered by a Dutch army surgeon, Eugène Dubois, who began his search for ancient human ...
erectus (inclusive) is characterized by large molars, an unpronounced chin, heavy brow ridges, and a long, low skull, relative to modern Homo sapiens. The ...