Labanotation (Kinetography Laban in Europe) is a structured system for analyzing and recording movement with symbols. Each symbol has four elements: direction (shape of symbol), level (shading), timing (length of symbol), which body part is involved (placement on staff).

Notazione Laban

La notazione Laban è un sistema di notazione dei movimenti del corpo inventata nel 1928 da Rudolf Laban. Questo sistema è detto Labanotation negli Stati Uniti, Kinetography nel Regno Unito e cinétographie in Francia. Wikipedia
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Labanotation is a system for analyzing and recording human movement (notation system), invented by Austro-Hungarian choreographer and dancer Rudolf von ...
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The Laban system is an “alphabet” system in that symbols represent movement components through which each pattern is “spelled out” (unlike some other notation ...
The meaning of LABANOTATION is a method of recording bodily movement (as in dance) on a staff by means of symbols (as of direction) that can be aligned with ...
... Labanotation, a system of movement notation. It captures dance choreography in a standardized notation form as well as allows for accurate record keeping ...
Labanotation da jcom.sissa.it
This paper describes how a universal language for notating dance and, more generally, movement was elaborated, known as “Kinetography Laban”, or rather.
AbstrAct. Labanotation is a system of dance notation with a history of use stretching from the late. 19th century to today. This paper examines that history ...
Labanotation da www.britannica.com
A particular strength of labanotation is its ability to show precise gradations in the timing of movements. The system became widely used because it is ...
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