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Nella scala dei tempi geologici, il Paleogene o Nummulitico č il primo dei tre periodi in cui č suddiviso il Cenozoico, l'ultima era del Fanerozoico, ed č compreso tra 65,5 ± 0,3 e circa 23,03 milioni di anni fa. Č preceduto dal Cretaceo e seguito... Wikipedia
Nella scala dei tempi geologici, il Paleogene o Nummulitico č il primo dei tre periodi in cui č suddiviso il Cenozoico, l'ultima era del Fanerozoico, ...
The Paleogene Period is a geologic period and system that spans 43 million years from the end of the Cretaceous Period 66 Ma (million years ago) to the ...
Paleogene da www.britannica.com
5 giorni fa · Paleogene is Greek meaning “ancient-born” and includes the Paleocene (Palaeocene) Epoch (66 million to 56 million years ago), the Eocene Epoch ( ...
Paleogene da www.nationalgeographic.com
At the dawn of the Paleogene—the beginning of the Cenozoic era—dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and giant marine reptiles were conspicuously absent from the face of ...
Paleogene da www.nps.gov
27 apr 2023 · The Paleogene Period is the first of three periods in the Cenozoic Era. The Paleogene represents less than 1% of geologic time; however, the ...
The Paleogene Period refers to the interval from 66 to 23 million years ago, during which significant geological and climatic changes occurred on Earth, leading ...
Paleogene da natmus.humboldt.edu
30 ott 2012 · The Paleogene Period* is the first of three periods comprising the Cenozoic Era. The Cenozoic, sometimes known as the "Age of Mammals", ...
Paleogene da www.sciencedirect.com
Paleogene is the period of strong regional extension and rapid initial subsidence in most rifting basins in the China Seas. Deepwater environments were ...
Paleogene da dinopedia.fandom.com
The Paleogene is a geologic period and system that spans 43 million years from the end of the Cretaceous Period 66 million years ago (Mya) to the beginning ...
The meaning of PALEOGENE is of, relating to, or being the earlier part of the Tertiary including the Paleocene, Eocene, and Oligocene or the corresponding ...