
René Magritte

Pittore belga
«Nella vita tutto è mistero.» René François Ghislain Magritte è stato un pittore belga. Insieme a Paul Delvaux è considerato il maggior pittore del surrealismo in Belgio. Wikipedia
Nascita: 21 novembre 1898, Lessines, Belgio
Coniuge: Georgette Berger (s. 1922–1967)
Fratelli e sorelle: Paul Magritte e Raymond Magritte

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René François Ghislain Magritte was a Belgian surrealist artist known for his depictions of familiar objects in unfamiliar, unexpected contexts, ...
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Belgian, 1898–1967 · Introduction: An influential figure in Surrealism, Magritte is now regarded as possibly the most important Belgian artist of the 20th ...
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A Belgian surrealist painter, Rene Magritte's witty and thought-provoking paintings sought to have viewers question their perceptions of reality, ...
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Rene Magritte and his paintings · The Son of Man · Empire of Light, 1950 · The Lovers II, 1928 · The Treachery of Images · The Blank Signature, 1965 · The ...
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24 mag 2024 · Rene Magritte, Belgian artist, a prominent Surrealist painter, whose bizarre flights of fancy blended horror, peril, comedy, and mystery.
René Magritte was a Belgian artist and one of the most enduringly influential members of the Surrealist movement. Best known for his illusionistic images ...
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Featuring full-color plates of approximately 50 oil paintings, and a dozen of the artist's gouaches, René Magritte: The Fifth Season offers a new understanding ...
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You'll love this fun articulated figurine featuring René Magritte ! It features many of Magritte's key elements, such as the apple, the bowler hat, ...
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Created after the original 1960 oil painting Le tombeau des lutteurs (The tomb of the wrestlers) by René Magritte (1898-1967), this color lithograph was ...
Belgian, 1898–1967 ... René Magritte's cerebral, enigmatic paintings and prints helped define the imagery and philosophy of the Surrealist movement. His most ...
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