Lucio Anneo Seneca

Lucio Anneo Seneca

Filosofo e drammaturgo
Lucio Anneo Seneca è stato un filosofo, drammaturgo e politico romano. Noto anche come Seneca il Giovane o semplicemente come Seneca, fu tra i massimi esponenti dello stoicismo eclettico di età imperiale. Attivo in molti campi, compresa la vita... Wikipedia
Luogo di nascita: Cordova, Spagna
Morte: 65 dopo Cristo, Roma, Italia
Coniuge: Pompea Paolina (s. 50 dopo Cristo–65 dopo Cristo)
Influenzato da: Socrate, Platone, Epicuro e altri ancora

Seneca da it.wikipedia.org
Lucio Anneo Seneca (in latino Lucius Annaeus Seneca; Corduba, 4 a.C. – Roma, aprile 65) è stato un filosofo, drammaturgo e politico romano.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger usually known mononymously as Seneca, was a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, a statesman, dramatist, and in one work, ...
17 ott 2007 · Seneca is a major philosophical figure of the Roman Imperial Period. As a Stoic philosopher writing in Latin, Seneca makes a lasting ...
Seneca da www.senecafoods.com
Seneca Foods is one of the largest processors of fruits and vegetables in the US, providing a wide range of healthy and nutritious products for retail, ...
Seneca da www.britannica.com
Seneca (born c. 4 bce, Corduba (now Córdoba), Spain—died 65 ce, Rome [Italy]) was a Roman philosopher, statesman, orator, and tragedian.
Seneca da dailystoic.com
Seneca not only wrote on philosophy but used it in the way it's meant to be used: to handle and navigate through the upsides and downsides of fortune. And those ...
Seneca delivers purpose-built hardware applications for digital signage, video surveillance, broadcast, retail, and more.
Seneca da iep.utm.edu
The ancient Roman philosopher Seneca was a Stoic who adopted and argued largely from within the framework he inherited from his Stoic predecessors.
Seneca da sni.org
With a proud and rich history, the Seneca were the largest of six Native American nations which comprised the Iroquois Confederacy or Six Nations, a democratic ...
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, known simply as Seneca (or Seneca the Younger), was a stoic philosopher and rhetorician. He's one of the first stoics for which there ...