William Blake da en.wikipedia.org
William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his life, Blake has become a ...
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William Blake da www.poetryfoundation.org
Poet, painter, engraver, and visionary William Blake worked to bring about a change both in the social order and in the minds of men. Though in his lifetime ...
William Blake

William Blake

Poeta e pittore
William Blake č stato un poeta, pittore e incisore britannico. L'opera di Blake, largamente sottovalutata mentre egli era in vita, venne poi considerata estremamente significativa e fonte di ispirazione sia nell'ambito della poesia che in quello... Wikipedia
Nascita: 28 novembre 1757, Soho, Londra, Regno Unito
Morte: 12 agosto 1827, Londra, Regno Unito
Periodo: Romanticismo
Coniuge: Catherine Blake (s. 1782–1827)

William Blake da www.blakearchive.org
30 apr 2024 ˇ Illuminated Books. All Religions are One (Composed c. 1788) ˇ There is No Natural Religion (Composed c. 1788) ˇ Songs of Innocence (Composed ...
William Blake da poets.org
Blake's first printed work, Poetical Sketches (1783), is a collection of apprentice verse, mostly imitating classical models. The poems protest against war, ...
William Blake da www.britannica.com
24 giu 2024 ˇ —died Aug. 12, 1827, London) was an English engraver, artist, poet, and visionary, author of exquisite lyrics in Songs of Innocence (1789) and ...
William Blake da www.metmuseum.org
William Blake (1757–1827), one of the greatest poets in the English language, also ranks among the most original visual artists of the Romantic era.
William Blake da www.tate.org.uk
William Blake (28 November 1757 – 12 August 1827) was an English poet, painter, and printmaker. Largely unrecognised during his life, Blake has become a ...
William Blake da www.tate.org.uk
William Blake was a painter, printmaker and poet who created some of the most iconic images in British art. Radical and rebellious, he is an inspiration to ...
William Blake da www.biography.com
2 apr 2014 ˇ William Blake was a 19th-century writer and artist who is regarded as a seminal figure of the Romantic Age. His writings have influenced ...
William Blake da www.getty.edu
A remarkable printmaker, painter, and poet, William Blake (1757–1827) developed a wildly unconventional world view, representing universal forces of ...